Friday, May 4, 2012


so pretty big news, but its not even news yet, but chances are i will be transfered on the 20th so new things are afoot. Im excited for conference we will have it here in 2 weeks so on the 14th and 15th im guessing cuz of easter. I didnt even know it was easter next week. crazy. Yesterday at church i met this guy from armenia who is here for work. he knows Elder Watterson really well and when mike found out that this guy, Ara, was going to moscow he gave him my number and told him to call pretending to not be a member and want to get baptised. every missionary's worst nightmare. But its too bad for Mikey i met him at church before he had the chance. Its way cool that me and Mike know a bunch of the same people and are in the same mission area. Today we are going to the museum of modern art with the district, so that should be nice. last week we got a couple new investigators, but nothing showing a whole lot of potential for baptism right now. the mission as a whole did a lot better this week, so i hope we keep it up. I still have a good chunk of time left to make a lot of good things happen and am excited to be an effective missionary in the Lords hands now at the end of my mission where i have a good grip on the language and lots of teaching experience, not to mention the huge spiritual growth ive harvested. well my dear family and friends, keep being great! all you need is love. Love Elder Paul

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