Monday, June 18, 2012

Stake Conference

Well its getting pretty hot here. and its a lot more humid than vegas, so dont be expecting much of a break from the heat when you come. A couple things i was wondering if you could bring when you come- 2 first aid kits that are soft and kinda foldable that zipper up and have belt loops smaller than a piece of paper, if thats possible- the guard at the central building is all about those and you cant get anything like em here, he wants them for his grandkids.

Congrats to Zanna on graduating, she was the only one that we were worrying about, so good thats out of the way.

Today we went up to sergiyev pasad-a little town known for a huge temple splatter inside a big wall. really beautiful place, but we talked to some priests and they werent the nicest when they found out who we were. we went with the whole district. i didnt bring my camera cord so ill send ;pics next week. tell Brent that i said hi and that i expect him to be engaged by the time i get home. just kidding.

well i sure hope that you guys get those visas, that would be a bummer if you didnt make it cuz of that! Everyone is way excited to meet you.

so this week was way cool cuz elder Christofferson came and spoke to us, as well as President Rasband, Bishop Stevenson, And our area authorities. we had stake conference and thank heavens an investigator came! President Lawrence gave a talk on tithing and Elder Christofferson commented on what he said, and after the meeting our investigator (she is a young babushka from kyrgysia) said that she had a few questions but one that she wanted us to answer right then was "how can i pay tithing?" she said that even though she doesnt have money she wants to give something! she is way awesome and probably our only progressing investigator at the moment. everyone else has dropped off for one reason or another. that just always seems to happen-back to square one aka lots of contacting! thats what we have been doing this past week mostly, at least the weather is nice for it and there are actually people outside.

I am grateful for great parents who taught me well and awesome sisters who are way smarter than i am. I am grateful for the Gospel and what it has done and continues to do for our family as we prgress in this life together. The other day I have been on my mission for exactly 2 years. Wow, thats a long time to not see your entire family and everyone you had ever known for the first 19 years of your life. I am grateful for the blessings of serving a mission and contributing to the Lords work in gathering Israel in this part of the vineyard. I pray that My time spent here will have blessed these great people in some way. I saw Vitaly's mom at stake conference and she thanked me for helping Vitaly. He is doing really well on his mission. I asked her about doing an excursion when you guys come and she was excited for that.

well i need to get going, but have a great week and we will talk to you next week. Tell Uncle Eric Hello from President Lawrence.

Love Elder Paul

1 comment:

  1. Greetings from USA, Manhattan Elder Paul!

    Thank you for your sharing your experiences on this great blog!

    I found your blog today as I search for active missionaries in Moscow, Russia whom are currently active in needy communities and whom are interested and able to help my young struggling student musician friends access real nutritional resources and food pantry for the needy - they are in desperate need of real time food assistance (and more). . . in an ideal world, a person like you will be able to help them access such resources, point them in the right direction, introduce them directly and create a monthly nutrition supplemental plan that is mutually beneficial for both parties.

    My friends in Moscow are Nigerian, Ghanan, Kenyan, Cameroon as refugees, orphans, and struggling student youths working together to survive while somewhat stranded for the moment there in Moscow, Russia. I am working to bring them to the United States where me and my church and friends may help them start new lives here as immigrant citizens.

    In the interim, I am contacting true missionaries, like yourself, to encourage any and all assistance (nutritional, utilitarian, cash 4 visas and air tickets to become the guests of my church in USA); and of course, whatever salvation the lord may choose to offer them through persons such as yourself.

    I thank you in advance, dear Elder Paul.

    Please contact me at your earliest opportunity, to inform me if you are still "God's Boots on the Ground," there in Moscow, and if so, please help me help these young people there survive and thrive with support to our care in Manhattan, USA.

    Please inform me the who, what, when, where and why. If you do in fact directly interact with any my young hungry student musician friends in Moscow, Russia.

    Please also know, as they already know, that I am also an educator, entertainer and film maker at my hometown in Manhattan, USA and if you do indeed assist them to meet then, I also will be thankful if you are so kindly prepared to also video agreed upon portions of your interactions (after receiving their permission to film first please)- I will provide your production credits because such video footage as mentioned, will become important part of telling these young peoples' stories of surviving to thriving, and if you should so wish to, perhaps you may also wish to highlight your own student missionary story within our on-going projects.

    I thank you sincerely and in advance for anything you may be able to help these young people with, while their in Moscow, until I am able safely accommodate and afford fly them all safely to USA, where they will be fed no less than three nutritionally sound meals each day, as I will pray that today, God agrees to make it so. Amen.

    Your friend in truth today, yesterday & tomorrow,

    Joel Bales, BSJ
    Founder/CEO: 247, LLC

    PS. Here are my contact details:

    247, LLC
    (J.P.) Joel P. Bales
    c/o Morning Star Community Resources, Inc.
    1018 Poyntz Ave.
    Manhattan, KS 66502
    (202) 670-1331

